Instructional Videomodeling to Teach Mothers of Children with Autism to Implement Discrete Trials: A Systematic Replication


Abstract The high number of Autism Spectrum Disorder’s (ASD) cases determines a great need for specialized service for this population. This is particularly critical, considering the intensity required according to the specialized literature. Parental training may be an affordable alternative to provide this intervention with a high integrity and less costs, and tools such as videomodeling may facilitate the efficiency of such training procedures. This work aimed to evaluate, with strict experimental control, the efficiency of instructional videomodeling while training parents of children with ASD to implement Discrete Trial Instruction. Three mother-child dyads participated: Beatriz (27 years) and Luan (3 years); Eliana (30 years old) and Igor (2 years old); Vanessa (40 years old) and Daniel (4 years old). The results showed an increase in the performance accuracy of all mothers in the application of discrete trials, with an average duration of 4 hours. It is possible that this type of instructional tool has an effect on motivation and broadly promotes access to training contingencies, unlike the limitations of face-to-face training. However, it is important to emphasize that this tool only reaches its full function if it is inserted within a broader training program.


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