The Effects of Videomodeling on Fundamental Motor Skill Performance of Middle School Children with Intellectual Disabilities


Proficiency in fundamental motor skills (FMS) is important for the health and overall development of children. Using a multiple-baseline-across-participants single-subject design, this study provided preliminary data on the effectiveness of videomodeling (VM) displayed via an iPad on the acquisition and maintenance of the standing long jump (SLJ) by six middle school children with moderate intellectual disabilities (ID). The study also explored whether the participant’s initial gross-motor development and off-task behaviors while watching instructional videos affected the acquisition of SLJ. Results demonstrated an increase in the number of correctly performed SLJ critical elements during the implementation of VM for all participants with higher and one participant with lower initial scores on the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD). The increased performance was maintained two weeks after withdrawal of the intervention. The intervention had no effect on the acquisition of SLJ critical elements of two participants with lower TGMD initial scores. Participants who demonstrated off-task behaviors while watching the SLJ video demonstrated lower levels of SLJ acquisition. The preliminary data from this study suggest that the eventual use of VM as an additional and alternate type of instruction can lead to improved acquisition and maintenance of FMS by children with moderate ID.


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