Studies and research

Robot and virtual reality-based intervention in autism: a comprehensive review

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder. Children diagnosed with this disorder have persistent deficits in their social-emotional reciprocity skills, nonverbal communication, and developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships. Besides, autistic children usually have motor deficits that influence their imitation and gesture production ability. The present study aims to

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The use of virtual reality in the treatment of autism

Introduction The characteristics of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder involve deficits in social communication and repetitive patterns of behavior and that there is a growing interest in the use of new technologies for neurorehabilitation. Objectives This research aimed to verify the possibility of using Virtual reality for the treatment of Autism.

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Scope of Virtual Reality to Autism Intervention

With increased computing power, modern-day gadgets come with built-in rich graphics that can employ Virtual Reality (VR) to project realistic scenarios to the user. There had been a wide array of VR-based applications ranging from entertainment to intervention, education, rehabilitation, healthcare, etc. Specifically, VR-based applications are no more limited only

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Instructional Videomodeling to Teach Mothers of Children with Autism to Implement Discrete Trials: A Systematic Replication

Abstract The high number of Autism Spectrum Disorder’s (ASD) cases determines a great need for specialized service for this population. This is particularly critical, considering the intensity required according to the specialized literature. Parental training may be an affordable alternative to provide this intervention with a high integrity and less

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The Effects of Videomodeling on Fundamental Motor Skill Performance of Middle School Children with Intellectual Disabilities

Proficiency in fundamental motor skills (FMS) is important for the health and overall development of children. Using a multiple-baseline-across-participants single-subject design, this study provided preliminary data on the effectiveness of videomodeling (VM) displayed via an iPad on the acquisition and maintenance of the standing long jump (SLJ) by six middle

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Adaptive Virtual Reality And Its Application In Autism Therapy

Virtual reality (VR) technology advances are enabling technolgy-assisted intervention in developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It has been shown that technology-assisted virtual reality based therapy has the potential to alleviate several challenges of traditional intervention. This chapter reviews virtual reality work performed in the Vanderbilt Robotics and

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