Media review

Qui a dit que les retraités n’étaient bons qu’à faire du jardinage et regarder Téléshopping ? Gianluca Zambrotta en est le contrexemple parfait. Voilà dix piges que le champion du monde 2006 a raccroché les crampons, mais est toujours aussi actif, voire plus. Entre les émissions TV, les …

The aim is to overcome the idea of ​​diversity as a barrier. The “azzurrini” will have a machine learning to train. Artificial intelligence alongside autistic children and teenagers. This is the new innovative project set up by Gianluca Zambrotta, former full-back for Juventus, Milan and the Italian national team, world …

The intent is to overcome the idea of ​​diversity as a barrier. The “blues” will have machine learning to train Artificial intelligence alongside autistic children and young people. This is the new innovative project set up by Gianluca Zambrotta, former full-back for Juventus, Milan and the Italian national team, world …

Giornale di Cantù

Zambrotta’s Azzurrini will have a machine learning to train during training.Source:

The Azzurrini Academy project is an innovative initiative that aims to overcome the barriers of diversity. Through the use of new technologies, such as mental robots, 3D videos and drones, young players will be able to develop their cognitive abilities and improve their football skills. In addition, augmented reality will …

Radio Lombardia

In addition to sports, during the day it will be possible to enjoy an aperitif or a sandwich outdoors, in the company of football legends such as Gianluca Zambrotta and other champions, who will be available for photos and autographs. Scuola Calcio Eracle, DiCOmo SRL & Milan Club Cernobbio hanno …